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Six Reasons Why You Should Switch To Using Organic Coffee Pods

Six Reasons Why You Should Switch To Using Organic Coffee Pods

You care about your health and the environment.

So why not switch to organic coffee pods?

You might not realize that you have the choice of using these if you’re so used to purchasing conventional coffee pods but they do exist and they’re worth trying.

What, exactly, are organic coffee pods?

These are coffee pods that are made with organic coffee, but organic pods have the extra benefit of being kinder to the environment.

For example, by choosing organic pods you don’t have to worry about recycling or throwing your coffee pods into the trash because they are usually compostable or biodegradable, unlike single-use plastic pods, which is so much better for the planet.

With that in mind, let’s explore some important reasons why you should make the switch to organic coffee. We’ll also look at how to ensure you choose the best organic coffee on the market.

If you’d like to see a graphical breakdown of the organic coffee pods, we got you covered:

Organic Coffee Pods

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Six Reasons To Make The Switch To Organic Coffee Pods

Ready to take the leap into organic coffee?

Here are some good reasons why you should!

Single-Use Pods Can’t Be Recycled Easily 


If you want to recycle single-use coffee pods, you know that it’s not an easy task to do. This is because the plastic pods have to be cleaned and separated from their metallic seal before you can put them in your recycling bin for collection.

While some companies, like Nespresso, give consumers the chance to ship the pods to one of their recycling facilities, this isn’t very convenient so it’s understandable why people don’t commit to recycling coffee pods.

It’s much easier for people to just throw them in the trash, but that is causing us big problems.

Coffee Pods Are Clogging Up Our World

A study by Halo coffee found that approximately 30 billion aluminium and plastic coffee pods have entered landfills and oceans.

The problem with plastic and aluminium is that they take hundreds of years to break down which contributes to the horrific waste problem that we are experiencing.

You Can Find Organic And Fair Trade Coffee Pods

Organic coffee pods are not just about ensuring that the coffee pod packaging is treated responsibly and doesn’t harm the environment.

You can find organic coffee pods that are also focused on treating coffee farmers well. An example is organic Nespresso capsules that are certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and are also fair-trade certified.

This ensures that the production of the coffee was sustainable but also governed by fair practises for farm workers.

While you might not think about what farm workers go through, they do suffer on coffee farms, such as by having to do labor-intensive work that’s sometimes also dangerous.

An example is how they can work in extreme heat conditions for many hours in a day. In addition, these workers are not always given high enough wages for all the work they put into their jobs.  

What does fairtrade coffee really mean?

When coffee is labelled “fairtrade,” it means that it provides coffee farmers with monetary stability by offering them what’s known as a Fairtrade Minimum Price.

This protects them in the event of product price drops. By ensuring that coffee farmers are paid fair wages, this improves their lives and in turn also improves the communities in which they live.

Organic Pods Are Biodegradable


Imagine how wonderful it would be to be able to use your coffee pods and then dispose of them in your garden where they will disintegrate naturally.

You can find organic pods that are made with materials such as orange peel to allow you to dispose of them in the best way.

As reported by Republica, it’s interesting to see just how quickly these can naturally degrade. Orange peel in organic pods such as those by Republica will disintegrate after just 730 days, while plastic pods take approximately 500 years to degrade!

Organic Coffee Pods Don’t Contain Harmful Chemicals

You might be aware of the dangers of your plastic or aluminium coffee pods, but what about how they affect the coffee inside them? Let’s consider plastic as an example.

Plastic contains chemicals such as phthalates, BPA, BPS, and BPF. These are known to be endocrine disruptors and can lead to hormonal problems as well as fertility problems.

As for aluminium, exposure to it has been linked to various health problems, such as autoimmune diseases and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Organic Coffee Pods Are Free Of Pesticides

To grow conventional coffee, pesticides are used. It’s scary to think that coffee is one of the most heavily treated crops and not only gets sprayed with pesticides but also insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.

These chemicals can be harmful to human health but also the environment as they can enter the water systems. 

It’s also important to bear in mind that these pesticides are not just harmful when consumed but also when they’re inhaled or make contact with the skin, so they are dangerous for the people who work on farms and come into contact with these chemicals on a regular basis.

It’s been found that exposure to pesticides is linked to various health problems, such as cancer and respiratory problems. 

By making the switch to organic coffee pods, you can limit your exposure to these harmful chemicals and ensure that farm workers don’t have to be exposed to them, either. 

How To Choose Organic Coffee

How To Choose Organic Coffee

If you’ve made the switch to organic coffee pods, you’ll probably be inspired to make all your coffee natural and organic.

If so, here’s what to look out for when purchasing coffee so that it’s safe, healthy, and kind to the environment.

Look for “certified organic” coffee pods

It’s important to understand what “certified organic” actually means when we talk about coffee.

When coffee has this label, it means that it’s been certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and also that the coffee complies with national standards, such as when it comes to its packaging.

What’s The Difference Between “Certified Organic” And “Organic?”

While you might think that these two labels mean the same thing, they’re actually quite different. Here are some organic labels you’ll find on coffee and what they really mean. 

  • Organic” coffee doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s been certified by the USDA, unless it contains the USDA’s official organic seal on it. It’s common for some brands to “greenwash” consumers by making them think their products are organic when they’re not, so always scrutinize the coffee pods before you purchase them.
  • Made with organic” labels means that the product has to contain a minimum of 70 percent organic ingredients, and the coffee producer will have to be certified by the USDA.
  • Certified organic” labels mean that the coffee has been made with 95 percent of certified organic ingredients. The product will have had to undergo strict processing rules in order for it to receive this label, so it’s worth looking for this certification when finding the best organic coffee.

Know the source of your coffee beans

By being informed about where your coffee beans are coming from, you can reduce your risk of buying coffee that’s been exposed to pesticides.

For example, Brazil is known for using deadly pesticides on its coffee. 

Don’t settle for just organic

As we’ve seen in this article, there are other important labels that should be on your coffee, such as “fair trade.”

This will make your coffee part of something great because it’s good for the world as well as good for your health.

Related Questions

Does roasting coffee remove its pesticides?

This is not an effective way to eliminate pesticide contamination in coffee.

It’s thought that residues of pesticides that were used when coffee was produced can still remain even after the coffee has been brewed. Even if this is not the case, pesticide use is still dangerous for farm workers. 

Does organic coffee taste better than conventional coffee?

Some people insist that organic coffee tastes better, but this is not known for sure.

However, food experts (via Food Service Director) do say that soil nourishment that’s practiced in organic farms nourishes plants better, and this increases the plants’ nutritional content and flavor.

Can you get organic K-Cups?

There are great organic K-cup options for you to try, such as Caza Trail Coffee Organic K-Cups and SF Bay Coffee


No one wants a side serving of guilt with their morning cuppa. By choosing to use organic coffee pods, you can kiss environmental guilt goodbye and feel better about how many coffee pods you’re using on a daily basis.

In this article, we’ve outlined six of the best reasons why you should start using organic coffee pods. We’ve also provided you with a guide to better understand organic labels and certification so you can always make sure that you’re bringing home the healthiest coffee. 

Last Updated on May 15, 2021

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